Friday, July 24, 2015

Person (Professional) Learning Network - PLN

This summer I have begun work with a program through the Lutheran Schools Association of NY called Future Leaders Academy.  I am honored to be part of this group of Lutheran Educators who feel called to explore leadership roles within Lutheran Education.  Many of our assignments are of the reflective type and I will be sharing those reflections on this forum.  It is helpful to me to share my thoughts and look back on my growth and progress.  Perhaps I can gain insight from others who read my comments or inspire others to spend time reflecting on their own.

The members of the cohort were asked to consider creating a PLN for themselves.  This is referring to a personal (or professional) learning network.  A PLN is a way to personally and professionally make contact and build relationships with other educators throughout the world.  Through these relationships, there is collaboration and sharing of ideas.  These connections can open up your mind to new ideas and the relationships can be a great source of support. For more information on a PLN click here

This past year, I have been working on trying to create my own PLN.  The use of social media has been essential in this endeavor. Using twitter to connect with other educators has truly changed the way I teach.  Working in a small school can be isolating.  Twitter has allowed me to interact with people I never would have had the opportunity to connect with.  Participating in twitter chats have given me the sense that I am connected to a greater community where my voice can be heard and I can give and receive support. The connections I make and the resources I have been exposed to have grown exponentially.

I have tried to get some of my colleagues to get on board using twitter and some have begun to dapple in its potential. It can be intimidating if you have never used this powerful resource, but I encourage educators to not dismiss this as frivolous "social" tool.  Connecting with the world while having a purpose of growth and collaboration  can be truly transformative.

I wonder what experiences other educators have had.  Please share your thoughts.

Summer Reflection

Now that I am deep into summer mode, it is time to  begin preparing for the next school year.  Before I can do that though I feel I need to put last year's experience to rest with a bit of reflection.

Last school year was an exciting year for me and I hope my students.  Together we tried new was of teaching and learning.  Some ideas were met with great success, some were not, and some we realized simply needed more development.  When evaluating our year together, I asked myself these 3 questions:

1) What should I start doing that I was not able to do last year?
2) What should I stop doing that did not work?
3)  What should I continue doing that worked well?

1.  The one thing that I know I need to work on is formative assessments of my students.  I need to come up with a system that works for me that not only allows easy assessment, but also to share those assessments with my students as well as work with them setting learning goals for themselves.

2. I need to stop trying to do too many new things at once.  Although I work well on the fly, my students need more structure in order to feel secure in what they are doing.

3.  I will continue to bring fun into the classroom while inspiring my student into independent learning. I will continue blogging and having student's bring their own device into class as a way of giving my students confidence in having their own voice in the world and responsibility for their own learning,

At the end of the school year, I asked my students to list 6-10 words that described our year together.
Below is a word cloud I created with their words.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blogging...a Reason to Keep Writing

After a great deal of effort, our student blogs are finally online!  There were many delays as we tried to have all the students publish their blog posts at the same time.  With the help of some parents, we did some promoting of the blogs on social media and the students became very excited about the feed back they received.  They continue to check on their comments and page views often. Check out our Student Blogs!

As I had hoped, the idea of blogging has given my students an authentic reason to be writing.  It has given them a platform to use their voice even when they are trying to discover what that voice might be.  I have students who are writing about our school, sports they participate in, video games they love, fan fiction, families and stories to share.  They continue to ask for time to work on their blogs throughout the week.  Some have even been working on them at home, without being assigned to do so!  It is exciting to see the fire that has been ignited within them.

I have also begun using Google docs for my students' other writing assignments.  I began using this tool as a way for me to read and comment on the writing of a student who broke her leg and was not able to climb the stairs to our classroom.  It offered me a way to conference with this student during the writing process without being in the same room.  It was so successful, I began using it with the rest of my students as well.  This has led to some unexpected benefits.

First of all, as my students are writing, I am able to comment and keep them on task.  Knowing that I am able to join them on their document at any moment, they are more focused on their writing.  I also have time to focus more on my student's writing.  I have access to these documents whenever I have the time to read them as well as I can comment on all of my student's writing during our writing time in class.

The most surprising reslut of using Google docs has been my students' desire to keep writing even during our winter vacation!  My students had just turned in a project before vacation and I had decided not to give any work during their time off.  Several students came to me and asked if they could work on their writing at home now that they had access to their documents through Google docs.  That is a request I have never heard as a teacher and I have to admit, it lights a fire within me to find new ways to use these tools in my classroom.

I am excited to expand my use of Google tools with my students!

Have you used Google tools in your classroom?  I would love to hear about it!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Student Blogs...Coming Soon

It has been awhile since my last post. The Christmas season has come and gone and school is getting back to normal.  I am sad to admit that I did not meet my goal of getting my students blogging online by the end of 2014.  However, I am not discouraged because we are only days away of letting the world hear what we have to say!  This past week my students have spent time setting up the look and layout of their blogs, and I have to admit it has been very exciting. They are learning how to access them from their ipads, tablets, ipods, and smartphones. But most importantly, they have been writing, writing, writing.  It has been fascinating to see how focused they have been on their writing.  Having an authentic purpose for their writing has made an enormous effect on the length and quality of their writing.  I see them completely focused and taking responsibility for their work.  Several students have written more than one post and show no signs of slowing down.  They are all very excited to see how many people read their blogs and are hoping to have people comment on what they post.

We have decided to wait until everyone is ready so that we can publish together.  I expect to have our first posts published by early next week.  Stay posted....

Have you had experience with student blogs?  I would love to hear about other classroom blogging experiences.